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10 Amazing Modern Workplace Designs

By Lodha

April 11, 2019

Today's workplaces promote a well-balanced life through their design and culture. If you're planning to refurbish your office, here's a list of inspirations for you:

Mimicking home environment

A 'resimercial' approach provides comfortable seating and inviting rooms for a home-like environment.

Bright colours for productivity

Bright, fun colours in workspace design add liveliness and energy for improved productivity and efficiency.

Blending designs

The line between work and play is literally blur as the designs blend the aspects of collaborative work and socialising.

Unconventional designs

With collaborative workspaces, ceiling that projects videos and images, and hammocks for rest, creative office designs offer amazing work-life balance.

Open floor plans

These offer multiple work and lounge areas that allow employees to drift around while working.

Simple yet elegant

Using minimalism as the base, clutter-free and open office spaces let employees unleash their creativity.

Informal setting

A listing-inspired workplace design not only reflects the brand's underlying values but also offers a quirky, fun atmosphere for employees to work in. 

Going green

With design aspects like quirky décor and a green library, the office looks well-crafted and promotes collab-friendly spaces.

Young designs

While the brand remains all professional, their industrial office design with bright colours can emanate a young vibe. 


The office can mirror the brand's essence with a DJ booth and plenty of spaces for meetings and personal interactions.

Know more about the commercial projects from Lodha Group.

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